
Wonderful Greece

Greece is a country in southeastern Europe whose capital city is Athens. The country has approximately 6000 islands in the Aegean and Ionian Seas, and its official language is Greek.  The country's marvellous seascapes are some of its best attractions. Among them are its islands: Milos and Kefalonia, which have paradisiacal beaches with turquoise waters, white sands and a great Mediterranean climate. The fastest way to get to this destination is from Santiago de Chile which takes about 22 hours by plane and is 12654 km far away.  I have wanted to visit Greece since I was a child, because I love its architecture, history and the beauty of its cities, that is why I would like to visit the Acropolis which is located in Athens and see the beautiful city from there. Then I would go for a few days to the island of Kefalonia, considered the most beautiful destination in Greece, and I would swim in its paradisiacal beach and to finish the trip well, I would go to eat a delicious Musaka.

Giuliana Furci , a reference to follow ...

I admire Giuliana Furci, because she is the first female field mycologist in Chile, who has made her way in a little known area with strong masculine influence, which is admirable!  She has been the main promoter of the study and protection of the fungi kingdom in Chile in the last decades, founding the Fungi Foundation, the first NGO dedicated to fungi in the world.  She has also helped to change Chilean legislation to recognize fungi as essential organisms when assessing ecosystems. Biography Giuliana Furci is Chilean and Italian, she studied aquaculture at the University of Los Lagos. It was while she was finishing her studies that on an expedition she found a fungus that caught her attention and when she wanted to find its name she could not find it. It was from that experience that she decided to write a book. He began to study mushrooms independently and then specialized with the outstanding American mycologist Paul Staments. Furci published the books Fungi Austral: Field guide t

My favorite food

Eating is one of my favorite things to do, I really enjoy the food and discovering different flavors, plus the food allows it to be a moment where family and friends get together to enjoy and talk.  It's hard to decide on my favorite food, but I think I'll choose lasagna. Lasagna is a type of pasta that is usually served in overlapping sheets interspersed with layers of ingredients to taste, most often meat in bolognese sauce or white sauce and cheese. The preparation is very easy, cook the pasta sheets, then in a rectangular bowl add a layer of pasta and add meat with bolognese sauce previously cooked, and so on, layer by layer the same procedure, until the desired height. As a final ingredient is added a layer of lots of cheese. I love this dish because of the exquisite combination of cheese and meat. I also like it because it is an easy recipe to make and the ingredients are very easy to find and at a very good price.   Finally, lasagna has a lot of calories because most of

My favourite piece of technology

The computer is my favorite piece because it is multifunctional and versatile to do multiple things, it is also a piece that is aesthetically beautiful, easy to transport and use, for example I use it to do work in word, excel, PowerPoint, it is also very useful to search for information on a website, or just watch movies or series and even to listen to music. This object affects my life positively because it helps me to perform more efficiently and quickly my multiple academic work, and also serves as entertainment. I would totally recommend this item, because the computer is a piece that every person has to have and should use, since it allows me to do a lot of things, and it is a good tool for work and entertainment for anyone of any age because it is very easy to handle.

why did I choose my major?

When I was little my dream was to be a doctor, my stuffed animals were my patients and I would bandage them with toilet paper to help them with their supposed fracture. I also loved taking care of my baby toys, dressing them, feeding them and putting them to sleep, singing to them or cuddling them. I have always loved taking care of others. I remember as a child helping my great aunt with her remedies, taking care of her and giving her love and attention, so she wouldn't feel so much pain. Choosing the career that I am currently, was the most difficult decision I have had, I was very unsure of my options as I was between being a veterinarian, as I love animals or forestry engineering, both I liked very much, but I decided to study forestry engineering, because I love nature both animals and plants and I felt that the career was a complement to both, I also feel that we owe much to the planet and my goal is to contribute against the advance of climate change, to make this world a be

my biography

 My Biography   Josefa Leiva Morales is 19 years old. She is from Los Vilos, a beautiful coastal town in the region of Coquimbo.  She studied at the Divina Providencia School until 8th grade. She attended Domingo Ortiz de Rozas school for her high school studies. She is currently studying Forestry Engineering at the Universidad de Chile.  She decided to pursue this career because she is passionate about nature. Josefa currently lives in Santiago due to her studies. She is the youngest of three siblings , Juan Carlos and Lucia , they are very close to each other , they can spend hours talking and laughing together . Her parents are Juan Carlos and Jeny both are hard working and hard working people , they are very dedicated to their children .Also Josefa has three cute , affectionate and very playful dogs , Danna , Noha and Yoko , every morning they go to the beach to run and play , Josefa loves to see them happy , they are her adoration. She also has a cat named Bruno , he is very curio